Sadie Mason

She is an independent Canadian author, looking to share the worlds within her mind with you.Sadie Mason was born and raised in the Niagara region, her imagination fuelled by her mother's stories. She began writing casually in high school but began to do so seriously in her late twenties.Over the years her focus has shifted from reading about events to reading about the people who experience them. This has led her writing to head the same direction, where the characters involved are the highlight of the tale.Sadie writes character driven fantasy novels, and enjoys adding other elements into them. Common additions are mystery and romance.Linktree


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The Made

Keystone ebook cover
Prisoner ebook cover


There are humans and then there are Others.Had dreams and nightmares turned into reality, or had reality turned into dreams and nightmares? The line is fine but there is one thing every human understands.Get involved with Others at your own risk. Pray they don't involve themselves with you.Oriana was raised in this world of deadly beings. She knows the rules by heart and has always followed them. Yet when she's kidnapped and left with fractured memories, it isn't the humans who will help her. She ends up at the door of an Other, only knowing he can help if he so chooses.Soon her world is brand new as Others both prove the tales right and wrong. At the heart of all her pain is a chained and furious goddess. The clear monster of her tale. But she sinks further and further into involvement with Others, regains more of her memories, and sees that familiar emotions are not a human monopoly.Who will the true monsters be?


Oriana would have never seen her life turn out the way it had. She had been kidnapped, lost her memories, had her soul and body separated, been stalked by an angry goddess and been thrown head first into the world of the Others.A few months later, the goddess Izanami remains locked away behind the renewed seal and Oriana has been able to leave the well room intact. As her body was in poor shape, she is finally well enough to go about living. But how does she do that? She can’t go home until the problem of Izanami is dealt with permanently, and that leaves her few options. While she is doing her best to adapt to her new life, and her blatantly bespelled body, it would be a lot easier if those around her would answer all of her questions.Ciel has been different since her return, people are disappearing to be returned dead, and three disturbing women give her a message that makes her uneasy. Combined together, she fears Izanami is a larger problem than she had hoped. When they discover that someone or something is manipulating time, the goddess might not be their only problem.With her emotions becoming strangely out of her control at exactly the wrong time, Oriana has to face her own shortcomings. If she doesn’t manage to soon, she may be condemning those she loves to a painful future. But first, she needs to discover if she is willing to do what needs to be done – even if it means the future she seeks isn’t hers to enjoy.